Tuesday, November 5, 2013

And The Journey Begins

All this is evidence that God’s judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering 2 Thessalonians 1:5

Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Brittany Schulz. Many of you may have read about a part of my journey through my son’s prayer page on Facebook: Prayers for Carter. I am going to start a blog and it is going to contain some of the storms I have gone through in my life. This page will mainly be about the biggest storm I have gone through: My pregnancy with my son Carter.

In the midst of storms you may not know where to turn to, who to talk, or what to think. It is at that time you feel as your world is crushing around you to where it seems as you can’t breathe. When you hear the words “Your child is incompatible with life” what are you to think, how are you to feel and why this is happening to my child? These are questions that no one can answer, not even a doctor. It is at that time when I felt like I could not live on. This blog is going to be about different storms in my life that led up to where I am today, as I feel and believe that if someone stumbles across my blog that it could help them. By them knowing they are not alone that others have been there too and there is hope and light at the end of this dark tunnel they seem to be stuck in. 


  1. You are a truly inspiring young woman!

  2. You truly are amazing. I pray God blesses you and your family in every single way. Your son was so precious and has taught people so much. Thank for sharing your story.
